Special Projects and Nonprofits

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Dedicated to Local Projects with a Personal Touch

It’s easy for small projects to get overlooked by big construction companies, but at Berg Construction, these jobs are part of our roots. When we started in 2004, small jobs and residential projects were our focus, and as we’ve grown, we’ve stayed committed to them. Every project, big or small, receives the same attention and care because our community matters to us.

What Our Residential/Special Projects Division Offers

Our Residential/Special Projects Division takes care of all non-commercial work, including site clearing, driveway paving, parking lot remediation, subdivision site preparation, septic systems, and sewer lines. We work closely with clients, handling each project from start to finish to ensure their needs come first. Watch our video to learn more about how this division can support your next project. 

Partnering with Anchored Ministries to Give Back

As part of our commitment to community, we’re partnering this holiday season with Anchored Ministries, a nonprofit dedicated to helping families in the Twin Valley area. Anchored Ministries empowers our community by providing essential items to those in need. “The work Anchored Ministries does is incredible, especially the Christmas Program, which brings holiday magic to families,” said Traci Witkowski, our Director of Human Resources.

In 2021, Anchored Ministries provided over 1,730 meals, more than 36,000 items of clothing, and 156 school-supply-filled backpacks. Through their Christmas Program, donations help provide children with gifts and joy during the holidays. To learn about sponsoring a family or supporting Anchored Ministries, click here.